Love it Xtrullor. Amazing blend. I love the way you switch from Erie to Adventure Time in your dubsteps like at 0:40. Absolutely 5 stars
Love it Xtrullor. Amazing blend. I love the way you switch from Erie to Adventure Time in your dubsteps like at 0:40. Absolutely 5 stars
LOL Y Nawt? Sounds nice! Too short though. Isn't the "Hey! Listen." from Magicka?
That was actually very good! You could make an AWESOME dubstep or other music out of this
nice, but the mario beep sound added a lot and should have been maybe added earlier. Pretty cool!
Thank you!
I dont know how to explain it....Maybe a bit too light? Nah a lot too light, but still a very nice ambience
The drums were introduced nicely, but your main was VERY repetitive. Next time try adding 1 more sound and make all of the main change to a different melody. One more thing i have to say is that most people like to hear the music all the way, so maybe dont fade it? Good music anyway!
Thanks for the review! I kinda did a repeative melody on purpose. It kinda went toward the eerie side of this album.
Peace and love,
Lone X
AHHHH! Yes...i love it. The first second was very unique. 100 out of 10 XD
Love the tune. Great job. All the assisting sounds to the melody worked very well. The only part i think that needs help is at 1:02 where its melody....drum drum.....melody.....drum drum. That part was a little different but it still worked, and the clap is fine, but it seemed a little cut at the end
Thank you very much for the Review! And thank your for your comment about the clap :)
Love it. The sounds are pretty nice and smooth. But the only problem i saw was the intro seemed a little alone
Thanks a lot man! :D
I am a very different kind of artist...I have many traits. Some of them being that i am a writer, and a slight musician. I dabble in animation every now and then. Right now i am pretty much a nobody, but i hope i can help other people become known on NG.
Age 24, Male
Joined on 7/28/14