I little suspenseful, but sad that it didn't meet that promise. Good :).
I little suspenseful, but sad that it didn't meet that promise. Good :).
Thank you :)
Sci-fy-y, until 00:47 XD. I like it :). 00:43, i feel like the drop kinda was unexpected and not needed.
I know what you mean, I do feel conflicted about that transition as well. thanks for the feedback!
0:56 this sounds very slightly familiar :?.
Hey, good job. Unique and clear! Just not my style ;).
Fair enough, and thanks for taking a minute to leave a quick review! Not sure what the part around :56 reminds you of, but hopefully something pleasantly nostalgic. ^__^
Usually when i'm doing school i'll just sing random melodies together. When i find one i REALLY like, i come upstairs and record the melody. Later (on in life) i come to it and say, hey lets try this. I just did one and it sounded cool, but FL studio kept not playing sounds i was trying to add so i screwed it.
as Steve would say, get 80% of your true image then move on. Nothing is perfect.
0:36: Oh gosh, thats cool!
Sounds pretty good. I'm gonna download :3. Vocal is very repetitive though.
Thanks man glad you like it! Yeee is a bit isnt it, beings to feel like youve heard it a thousand times you could say!
Dance, definitely dance. Drop was laid out nicely. Unexpected pick up, but the dubstep sound didn't mix very well at 1:27.
thanks man :), i think it is a dnb or drumstep because the tempo is 170
0:00: I like the overlapping piano. Sounds just a hair too overlapped though
0:08: Ok, piano now sounds a little bit base ridden. I like the electronic fat sound.
0:15: Wowowow, STOP! Piano is way too base ridden from the kick. The fading piano hurts everyone's ears. Too add to that, the piano now sounds off. I think the kick might be making it sound that way.
0:29: Ok...The new sound is a little annoying because it is too grindy and it is overriding everything.
END: I feel like it should have ended more climatic sounding.
base is bass? i tried to imprve check it.....http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/623684?updated=1
Great ambiance going here! I liked the jitters you put into the background at 0:12. The only thing i don't like about it is....ITS NOT FINISHED!!! Dude, really, finish this!
Nothing is really finished when you think about it. Don't let the short length fool you
Real pianos!? Really love the girl breath sound that came in at 0:42. Sped up the adrenaline. The drop at 1:14 was perfectly timed! This isn't my style, so consider this a job well done!
yes the foundation for track came from one piano take then sequenced and built around,had tochop piano up some bits. thanks for checking it out
I am a very different kind of artist...I have many traits. Some of them being that i am a writer, and a slight musician. I dabble in animation every now and then. Right now i am pretty much a nobody, but i hope i can help other people become known on NG.
Age 24, Male
Joined on 7/28/14